Parental Leave


Parental Leave

How we showed a life-changing policy in action, through the eyes of the people it has helped.

The client

Aviva is a leading international savings, retirement and insurance business with over 33 million customers from Europe across to Asia and a heritage stretching back over 300 years.

The group has a sector-leading inclusivity policy and prizes employee wellbeing equally with customer excellence.

The brief

Aviva announced that it would offer equal parental leave to all employees, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or how they become a parent.

It was (and still is) a highly progressive policy, and Kaptcha were delighted to put film at the heart of communicating it to the workforce and beyond.

One year on, Kaptcha was invited to show the policy in action; to demonstrate the real effects of equal parental leave and to remind employees of Aviva’s commitment.

Creative with Purpose

The first film saw Aviva announce the policy, live, to employees. In order to maintain a consistent narrative and show how the policy was helping everyday lives, it made perfect sense to revisit some of the employees from the first film – now with their children.

To respect the families’ privacy and minimise the time that children would be required on set, we rented local AirBnb properties. Set dressing and lighting work could therefore be completed in advance, reducing the burden on them and keeping the conversation on film fresh and credible.

The film is sympathetically shot with a warm video grade, gentle pacing and slow movement for an intimate feel which emphasises the family bond without ever feeling intrusive or scripted.


The film has received significant airtime, with over 66,000 views on Twitter and 12,000 on LinkedIn.

More than 400 people, including 150 men, have taken up the equal parental leave policy. But not everyone has a family: more broadly, wellbeing metrics scores (e.g. agreement with statements like ‘I believe Aviva values my health and wellbeing’ are noticeably improved and higher than international averages. Employees are more likely to recommend Aviva as a great place to work.


“When we first introduced our equal parental leave policy, we knew it was a ground-breaking initiative – but the proof had to be in the reaction from our people. We’re pleased to say their response has been phenomenal – and this is captured in the film. We’re changing social behaviours, [and] the film has been a crucial part of making this difference.”

Media Relations, Aviva UK


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