The Great Chefs Dinner


The Great Chefs Dinner

How we helped the NSPCC move a treasured event online and maintain donations.

The client

The NSPCC is the UK’s leading children’s charity, looking out for children’s interests for over 130 years.

In 2019/20, the charity spent £86.8m helping children, young people, families and the people who work with them. It operates Childline, the NSPCC helpline and a flourishing Schools Service.

The brief

For eight years, the NSPCC has run “The Great Chefs Dinner”, an exclusive gastronomic experience featuring Michelin-starred chefs.

Given Covid restrictions, rather than abandoning the event completely, the charity instead created an hour-long online celebration of the Dinner.

With only two weeks’ notice, they approached us to help deliver the online event and create a meaningful film to run at its heart.

Creative with Purpose

From the start, we knew that we wouldn’t have to offer a ‘replacement’ event: we could help the NSPCC elevate the online experience to something of value in its own right.

Initially, the NSPCC had not expected the virtual event to act as a fundraiser; but we helped the team to develop a film and curate an experience that was strong enough to include opportunities to donate. Our film was at once a look back at almost a decade of sumptuous dining, and a reminder of the importance of the NSPCC’s work today.


Thanks to Kaptcha, pledge opportunities were included in the evening’s activities, and the team reported a dramatic uplift in participation, compared to expectations.

This continues work which has raised over £1.5M in the Great Chefs Dinner’s history. But we also created an asset of which the committee and its supporters are truly proud – a reminder of great work which they are happy to share long after the event was over.

Watch the video testimonial below.


“Kaptcha were amazing, from beginning to end. In one film, Kaptcha transformed the event. They created an event full of emotive elements which reminded the audience of why we are needed and what we do. They recaptured what we lost by not being in the same room, and brought the purpose of the NSPCC into people’s homes.”

Malaika Oyortey, Special Events Manager, NSPCC


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