New Aberdeen


New Aberdeen

How one business is helping Britain’s ‘Oil City’ to evolve and prosper in a world of renewables.

The client

Worley is a global team of consulting engineers specialising in energy, chemicals and resources.

The brief

Worley approached Kaptcha to develop a brand film, acknowledging the company’s rich heritage while charting an ambitious course to its future.

The company is rooted in Aberdeen and the fossil fuel industry; our job was to show that the business will not sacrifice those roots but is now a global business and a committed enabler of modern renewables, contributing to better energy production and the local economy, too.

Creative with Purpose

The true star of our film is Aberdeen itself – despite a rainy two days, the “Granite City” is a beautiful backdrop and positioned as very much remaining the bedrock of the Worley business.

Before shooting, we always carefully research our locations and contributors; this film is a perfect example of how the right speakers elevate the message into something special. In the film, three Worley employees give their deeply personal, yet wholly consistent perspectives on the future of the business and what motivates them; for a highly credible insight into the company’s purpose. The viewer is left in no doubt: energy is in transition; Aberdeen is in transition; and Worley’s people are committed to making a success of both.


“The film looks brilliant. I have to say, it gave me a bit of a lump in my throat watching it! The camera work is stunning and the post-production edits really bring it to life.”

Astrid Dickinson, Agency Lead, Aspectus (Worley’s PR agency)


Your story.

Let's talk.

We meet the people. We capture the moment. And we tell the story, with expertise, passion and integrity.

Because we think that what motivates you and your team to get out of bed every morning is going to be interesting to a world of other people, too. Those are the stories we tell.

Let’s talk about your story. Email or call us on 07979 860 133.

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